Beat Burnout, Manage Workplace Stress
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
6 pm to 7 pm EST
Via Zoom
You love your work, but it can be stressful. Join the next MHI conversation and learn all the tips and tools Nina Nesdoly has to offer to beat burnout and stress in your workplace. This research-based event focuses on a core concept: burnout happens when your demands exceed your resources.
Scientifically proven strategies to relieve stress.
On-the-job stress management practices for different personalities and individual challenges.
Strategies that balance well-being and achievement so your team can excel at work without burning out.
Tips for taking the stress out of re-entering the office environment
Nina is a workplace stress expert, speaker, and researcher. She loves thinking about, talking about, and helping people with work-related stress. She advocates for work-life balance and believes it is possible to pursue career goals without burning out or letting stress take over. Through Workplace Clarity Nina offers research-based workshops for businesses and programs for individuals who want to manage work stress, beat burnout, and cultivate work-life balance. Nina holds degrees in Neuroscience and Mental Health (BSc), Management (MSc) and is currently working on a PhD in Management.
Register in advance for this meeting. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link.