Thursday, August 13, 2020
6:00–7:00 pm EST
Most of us write our resume assuming that hiring managers will grasp that we have the skills they need—but that’s a leap of faith. Employers have “pain points,” and your resume has to deliver the aspirin. Finding out what those pain points are and how to address them takes a little digging, but it’s worth the effort.
Write a resume that works! In this workshop you will learn:
What your resume must quickly convey
How to find out what employers need
A fresh approach to structuring your resume
Susan Trammell, CFA, is a senior writer with wealth management firms. She creates custom communications to help people make informed decisions about managing their money. She has a MA in Journalism from New York University and is a mentor with the MHI Mentoring Program.
If you wish to submit questions in advance, sent them to us at email@murrayhillinstitute.org
Registration for this event is full. Another resume workshop is planned for Thursday, August 20, at 6 pm. Please register below if you are interested.