The drawer we can no longer bear to look at, the cabinet door that emits fallen objects when we open it, the bag of questionable items we threw into our closet when unexpected guests dropped over…Now that many of us have had much more time at home, these mystery places have been calling out to us to get cleaned up. But so often when we start clearing out, we don’t finish, because the decision-making process becomes overwhelming. Ann Dooley, certified KonMari Organizing Consultant, treated us to a delightful seminar on how this process can be turned into a positive one that enables us to experience the freedom of letting go. She explained, using her own life experiences as an example, how our ingrained relationship to the objects around us can have an impact on what—and how much—surrounds us. She gave us thoughtful and action-oriented suggestions for organizing our belongings and sorting them by types—for example, clothing, books, sentimental items—rather than tackling a space room by room. This enables us to evaluate each category of possessions as a whole rather than discovering an unexpected cache of items belonging to a type we have already gone through.
For many who attended the seminar, this approach was a revelation and brought home many of the benefits of putting the time and effort needed to organize our belongings and let go of those that no longer have a place in our lives. This clearly has benefits not only for our own peace of mind but also the serenity and peace of others who live in and visit our homes. Our thanks to Ann for making our first virtual seminar such a success and for giving us renewed motivation to tidy up!
If you missed the seminar, or would like to review some of Ann’s points, she has kindly given us permission to share her talk. You can also visit Ann’s website: or follow her on Instagram or Facebook @simplejoywithann.