Take ownership of your career this fall!
Join us for MHI's 2018 Mentoring Kick-Off
Dr. Eric Weber, Dean of IESE Business School New York Campus
on the discussion of
Ethics As a Catalyst to Achieving Success
Learn what MHI's mentoring program has to offer. Mix and mingle with other professionals seeking positive change.
IESE Business School (map)
165 West 57th Street
New York, NY, 10019
$10 per person (Complimentary admission to current MHI mentors/mentees: click here to register.)
Wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Professor Eric Weber is associate dean of IESE Business School and professor of accounting and control. He is a member of both the Executive Committee of IESE and the Harvard Business School–IESE Advisory Committee. He has formerly served as the associate dean for the MBA program, as the associate dean for Executive Education and Executive MBA Programs, and as the academic director for the Global Executive MBA program.
Dr. Weber earned his Ph.D. in Management (Accounting and Information Systems) from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, USA, and his MBA from IESE. He also holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the Universidad Simón Bolivar, in Venezuela.